
The Undiscussed View

Many viewpoints have been shared in the manosphere on many different relationship issues. I would like to add a new viewpoint, the view from a single virgin male. Allow me to explain my situation, I am in my mid-twenties and have only been in one relationship. The reason for the lack of relationships is not the typical reason, I am taller and good looking, I can easily attract the attention of girls with just my physical presence. The issue is I do not approach women, not out of fear or the fear of rejection, but because I am very introverted and introspective. There is fairly large difference between those two, introverts prefer to spend most of their time by themselves and if we are to have a conversation we would prefer that it be deeper and with meaning. I really can’t stand small talk and don’t get how to do or initiate it. Now someone who is introspective is a person who spends the majority of their time thinking, and imagining situations and their outcome, we tend not to focus much on the real world and more on whatever situation we would prefer to be in. It is one reason I love sci-fi so much, I can place myself in the story and live with the characters.
Those two things make approaching girls seem like an encroachment into my space, and the fact that I don’t know their religious, political, or moral affiliations can make me think it will be a large waste of time and effort that could better be used elsewhere. Now I know it is necessary to approach girls and especially the type of girl I would be interested in, but to do so is a direct contradiction to my personality. I also have a job that rarely sets me around young women, girls tend to approach me once they see that I’m not surly, just generally quiet. In previous jobs and during high school, I had girls approach me rather regularly.
On top of all that is the fact that I’m very picky, being Christian and expecting certain moral qualities definitely cuts down on prospective women, especially with the current popular ‘hook-up’ culture. Many women today think its alright to have sex in a relationship as long as she feels she’s ‘in love’. What they don’t realize is there’s no reason to stay committed to someone if you don’t make a public commitment to that person. Marriage is not just a way to get taxed less or be publicly acceptable. It is a promise to the person you marry that you will be there for them through thick and thin, that you will be faithful to them, that you will be the best person you can be for their sake. How many women would in all honesty agree with that? You may say there's always the girls at church, but modern culture has reached its tendrils there too; though admittedly there’s a better chance they fit my spiritual and moral precepts.
Okay, there’s my somewhat twisted and circumspect view. I will post in the future on more specific points and about my experiences, and will at some point, post on my success.

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