
Popular Racism

I'm sure everyone has heard of Trayvon Martin theses past few weeks, and before anything else is said, it is a tragedy that he died. But was it a crime? The black community has been up in arms about the supposed white man shooting an unarmed black teenager that was innocently minding his own business inside a gated community. There are two issues with that train of thought, firstly George Zimmerman the guard who shot Trayvon is not white, he is a white/hispanic mix, and second, what was Trayvon doing in a gated community? Perhaps he was taking a regular shortcut or wanted to see a cool car or house, maybe he was looking for something to take. To assume to know what exactly he was doing is folly, and to assume that the guard shot without any reason is tragic.

Now as to these large public organizations taking up Trayvon's cause, as the Miami Heat was doing, is in my view quite ludicrous. They took a picture with all of them wearing black hoodies and with their heads down. The image they are trying to defend is one that any average person would take suspicion in. If I saw a man I did not recognize walking down the street with such clothing on, I would be on my guard to say the least. I don't live in a gated community filled with starched white people, I live in a normal neighborhood with hispanics and blacks. I would still not be comfortable with hooded kids walking around at night.

Lastly there is a growing outcry against the 'Stand Your Ground' law. This is foolishness, how many incidents have been rectified due to this law? How many innocent people have been saved, or bad guys stopped? It is a basic right of the people to defend themselves when they are confronted by those that do harm. I myself keep a loaded .45 by my bed(I have no kids), and not because I am scared that someone is going to come kill me while I sleep, but to defend myself and those around me.

In conclusion, it is incredibly sad that a kid was killed, and if it was done unjustly then the perpetrator should be punished. But if Trayvon did something to make George feel that the only way out of the situation was to kill, then nothing more need be done. My prayers go to the Martin family and to the Zimmerman's, and also to the judge and jury that justice is carried out.


The Undiscussed View

Many viewpoints have been shared in the manosphere on many different relationship issues. I would like to add a new viewpoint, the view from a single virgin male. Allow me to explain my situation, I am in my mid-twenties and have only been in one relationship. The reason for the lack of relationships is not the typical reason, I am taller and good looking, I can easily attract the attention of girls with just my physical presence. The issue is I do not approach women, not out of fear or the fear of rejection, but because I am very introverted and introspective. There is fairly large difference between those two, introverts prefer to spend most of their time by themselves and if we are to have a conversation we would prefer that it be deeper and with meaning. I really can’t stand small talk and don’t get how to do or initiate it. Now someone who is introspective is a person who spends the majority of their time thinking, and imagining situations and their outcome, we tend not to focus much on the real world and more on whatever situation we would prefer to be in. It is one reason I love sci-fi so much, I can place myself in the story and live with the characters.
Those two things make approaching girls seem like an encroachment into my space, and the fact that I don’t know their religious, political, or moral affiliations can make me think it will be a large waste of time and effort that could better be used elsewhere. Now I know it is necessary to approach girls and especially the type of girl I would be interested in, but to do so is a direct contradiction to my personality. I also have a job that rarely sets me around young women, girls tend to approach me once they see that I’m not surly, just generally quiet. In previous jobs and during high school, I had girls approach me rather regularly.
On top of all that is the fact that I’m very picky, being Christian and expecting certain moral qualities definitely cuts down on prospective women, especially with the current popular ‘hook-up’ culture. Many women today think its alright to have sex in a relationship as long as she feels she’s ‘in love’. What they don’t realize is there’s no reason to stay committed to someone if you don’t make a public commitment to that person. Marriage is not just a way to get taxed less or be publicly acceptable. It is a promise to the person you marry that you will be there for them through thick and thin, that you will be faithful to them, that you will be the best person you can be for their sake. How many women would in all honesty agree with that? You may say there's always the girls at church, but modern culture has reached its tendrils there too; though admittedly there’s a better chance they fit my spiritual and moral precepts.
Okay, there’s my somewhat twisted and circumspect view. I will post in the future on more specific points and about my experiences, and will at some point, post on my success.

Spinning the Fringe

I am a monstrous sci-fi fan, and am currently head over heals for Randolph Lalonde’s, Spinward Fringe series on e-book platforms. His visualizations and ability to cause the reader to feel the emotions of the characters is unparalleled. I feel a kinship with his characters that I do not get from other series, it causes you to cheer them on, scorn their enemies, and come to tears when they meet hardship. I only wish he wouldn’t push the homosexuality so much, and truly I don’t feel the characters sexuality to match their actions and speech; luckily Lalonde doesn’t push it too much. That being said I find the series to be one of the most refreshing and distinct to grace the sci-fi segment in years. So if your interested go to his blog and give it a look.

Heaven and Eternity, A Layman's View

I have been thinking about Heaven recently, about what it will be like. The Bible says that God will create a new Heaven and a new Earth, and that we shall live with him there for all eternity. But what will it be like? We can be assured that we won’t be sitting on clouds, strumming harps as the popular media would have us believe. I think one word describes what we will experience: infinity. God is infinite, and he has made an infinite universe (as far as we can tell). Heaven as stated in the Bible is not a single place, it is not a city or a world, it is everything above the Earth. God is making a NEW Heaven, and a NEW Earth. I believe that Earth will be as a capital or a spiritual center where God will commune with us directly, and we will be free to explore the rest of his creation. Can you imagine? In my mind God would not have made an infinite universe filled with countless planets and stars, and he would not allow us to live for all eternity if he were going to close us up on one planet. It would only be a matter of time before we had numbered every grain of sand… and grown bored. Heaven is stated as being a place where we will never be unhappy, where tears will not be shed. I can’t wait, my heart desires the freedom I shall have to experience all of God’s creation. Oh God, please let it be soon.


Church was good this morning, the message applied to me and the worship was fulfilling. Then I went out into the world and see everything as it usually is, vulgar and lewd, lacking compassion, and without common decency. The world is a depressing place, especially for a single Christian man who’s trying to seek out a woman that feels much the same way as he. I don’t mean to say that most women aren’t good and decent woman, but after seeing and hearing everything that’s popular and in vogue today it’s hard to have an optimistic worldview. Women today want to have sex outside of marriage, and many never want to get married. Everyone wants to live for the moment and not have to think what their actions will bring in the future. Ah, if it were only in my power to open peoples eyes to what harm they are doing to themselves and everyone around them. They don’t realize the life they are leading is not what they have been made for. People were never meant to give themselves to so many, to kill their souls and make themselves emotionless husks, empty and looking in all the wrong places to fill themselves.
There is only one place that can satisfy, only one thing that can make you truly happy, He is God. He sent his only beloved son to us, to be a sacrifice to us, to pay for the evil we committed. How little we deserve his mercy. Think, God sent a part of himself to live among us and to teach us, to make a new covenant with us, so that we may spend eternity with our Father.
Pray hard people, pray for your friends and family, and I ask that you pray for me as well.

Cultural Differences

If you haven’t noticed lately, people are acting a little crazy (read: stupid). Many people believe the reasons are all external, that its not the individuals fault for causing others distress. People believe that one should not be held accountable for their actions seeing how they were ‘forced’ into it… I say people need to understand that some individuals are more likely to cause harm than others due to their culture or upbringing. This is something hat is ingrained in them, it defines and shapes them for the rest of their lives. Some believe that certain races are more likely to cause this discord than others, and in a way they are correct. The problem with that outlook is that it misses the real underlying cause of their bad behavior. It doesn’t matter what color someone is, it matters where and how they were raised. When people come from a place that is ruled by fear and greed, a place that destroys those that show compassion, a place that drags a man down and destroys any morals he has, how can we expect that such a man will act differently when he comes to a new country? The problems that are happening in northern Europe with the rising crime rates and riots are due to cultures that don’t mix colliding with each-other, and causing the unabated hatred we’re seeing between differing races.
So how will it end? There’s going to come a point where the violence is happening every day, and the law enforcement is going to meet out not justice, but vengeance. This will spark worldwide conflict, Muslims and Africans will show outrage by killing any that aren't their own. This will further cause militaries to be deployed, and we will experience another round of ‘world policing’.
So what do we do to stop it? Pray. Gods strength and mercy is the only thing that can bring an end to rising global conflict. So praise God in all His Glory, repent of your sins, and pray for peace and the furthering of God’s plan.


Welcome to my blog. What you can expect to see here in the future is my opinion on anything under (or around) the sun, from politics and economics, to sci-fi and music. I will also write on philosophical and moral issues.
About me: I am a libertarian on the verge of anarchy, a self described “Biblical Literalist”, one of above average intelligence, narcissistic, pessimistic, cynical, and sarcastic. I am also intensely introverted and introspective. If any of those things insult you… good.
I do not promise to display or reply to all quotes, but I do promise to reply with all honesty and without overstepping the bounds of my knowledge. I hope to learn much from the readers of this blog, and please do not hesitate to call me on any misquotes or false information. Thanks for coming by and please come back!